24th Annual Hudson Hot Air Affair this Saturday!
Post date: Jan 29, 2013 3:42:10 PM
Saturday, February 2, 2013
12:00pm until 3:00pm
Rock Elementary School, 340 13th Street S., Hudson, WI
Here is a link to google maps if you need directions: http://goo.gl/maps/19ZiQ
This year's theme is "Majestic Flyway".
The Hudson Hot Air Affair is the city of Hudson's winter festival featuring a weekend of hot air balloons and much more!
On Saturday afternoon, Minnesota Kite Society members will fly kites from noon to 3 p.m. and will have kites for sale. The public is welcome and encouraged to participate in the kite fly. Bring your own kite or purchase one at the kite fly. Event is FREE.
Other indoor and outdoor activities that will occur at the school include a crafts sale and kids' dance performances (inside the school), a smoosh board competition (outside), and either hot air ballooning or a Field of Fire, depending on weather conditions.
FFI, contact: John Kaulbars
Phone: 952-854-0985Email: jskaulbars@gmail.com
FFI, see www.hudsonhotairaffair.com
MKS Board meeting is also on Saturday, 9am - 11am. We will meet at the Hot Air Affair PANCAKE BREAKFAST, Masonic Temple, 209 Locust Street (map). Sponsored by Masonic Lodge #56. All you care to eat breakfast—pancakes, cinnamon rolls, scrambled eggs, biscuits & sausage gravy, fruit, beverages. $7.00 adults, $3.50 children 10 and younger. Following the meeting we will move over to the Hot Air Affair for the fly.