Minnesota Kite Society Annual Meeting, Banquet and Auction on Sunday!
Post date: Feb 11, 2015 1:58:03 PM
When: Sunday, February 15, 2015 4:30pm
Where: Casper's Cherokee of Eagan
4625 Nicole Road
Eagan, MN
651 454-6744
For MKS members only. This is our annual business meeting, banquet and auction.
We'll review the year, elect a new board, pass out awards and have our annual auction. (see event agenda below)
Dinner pre-reservations:
Dinner: $30/person
At the door: $40/person
Pre-registration deadline Feb 12.
Send your reservation (Made out to MKS) to:
John Kaulbars
8446 16th Ave S
Bloomington, MN 55425
952 854-0985
If you have items to donate for the auction please contact Dean Murray at Dean@mnkites.org
4:30p - Social Hour and Silent Auction
5:30p - Dinner
6:00p - Meeting
Elect new board
Review the year
6:30p - Auction