31st Annual Kiwanis Kite Fly! Moved to Sat, May 25th
Post date: Apr 25, 2019 6:08:39 PM
Kiwanis Kite Fly
Date:May 25, 2019 12:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Location:Louisiana Oaks Park
Because of the weather forecast of cold and snow for April 27th, the date for this event has moved to the make-up date on May 25th. See you then!
Join us for the 31st Annual Kiwanis Kite Fly! Pack a picnic lunch, bring your lawn chairs and watch the kites take flight. Or, bring your kite and fly it with members of the Minnesota Kite Society. Free kites for kids while supplies last. The event is for all ages.
Free - no registration required
For information call: (952) 924-2540
Directions: Click on this link or paste it in your browser - http://tinyurl.com/louisianaoakspark