Fly With Us at the Lake Harriet Winter Kite Festival - Jan 19th
Post date: Jan 9, 2013 5:02:36 PM
Lake Harriet Winter Kite Festival
January 19th Noon - 4pm
Located at the north end of Lake Harriet near the Bandshell, located at 4135 W. Lake Harriet Parkway. map
Winter fun with strings attached – for kite flying and ice fishing
The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) will host the 12th Annual Lake Harriet Winter Kite Festival on January 19, 2013. The Kite Festival will take place on the north end of Lake Harriet near the Bandshell, located at 4135 W. Lake Harriet Parkway. Admission is free.
Kites of all shapes, sizes, colors and themes will fly over frozen Lake Harriet. But there's more fun to be had on the ice – and even underneath it. Other fun family activities at the festival include ice fishing, horse-drawn wagon rides, snowshoeing, a children's medallion hunt and a marshmallow roast.
Festival sponsors include the MPRB, Minnesota Kite Society, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Fishing in the Neighborhood Program (FiN), East Harriet Farmstead Neighborhood Association (EHFNA), People for Parks, Linden Hills Neighborhood Council (LHiNC) and the Nicollet-East Harriet Business Association (NEHBA).
Minnesota Kite Society experts will demonstrate their skills maneuvering spectacular kites throughout the day, and offer their expertise to kite flying enthusiasts and to those who are new to the pastime. Bring your own kite, or buy an inexpensive one at the lake.
The DNR Ice Fishing Expo will teach kids ice fishing skills and safety tips; the DNR will provide all the equipment needed to participate.
In the event of inclement weather, the Kite Festival will be held one week later on Jan. 26. More information about the festival is available by calling 612-824-9350.