MKS Annual Meeting and Auction Feb 23, 2020
Post date: Jan 23, 2020 12:52:56 AM
When: February 23, 2020 3:00pm - 8-ish
Where: Casper's Cherokee of Eagan, 4625 Nicols Rd, Eagan, MN 55122
The restaurant double booked, we have moved to Sunday, Feb 23rd.
For MKS members only. This is our annual business meeting, banquet and auction. We'll review the year, elect a new board and have our annual auction.
Not a member? You can join at the meeting.
We'll review the year, elect a new board, pass out awards and have our annual auction. (see event agenda below)
Dinner: $35/person
Send your reservation (Made out to MKS) to:
John Kaulbars
8446 16th Ave S
Bloomington, MN 55425
952 854-0985
Items donated for the auction are appreciated! If you have items to donate for the auction please contact Dean Murray at
3:00p - Arrive and setup (board and volunteers)
4:30p - Social Hour and Silent Auction
5:30p - Dinner
6:00p - Meeting
* Review the year
* Awards
* Elect new board
Proposed Slate of officers
President: David McKeen
V Pres: Aaron King
Secretary: David Herzig
Treasurer: John Kaulbars
6:30p - Auction